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A new version of the world famous translation system SDL Trados Studio was released in July 2019!

On March 1-2, 2018, the XTM Technology Power Summit took place in Amsterdam. Loctimize was in on it, too. 

Wie kann die Gültigkeit von XML-Dateien bei der Übersetzung mit SDL Trados Studio sichergestellt werden?

TYPO3 User Experience Week 2017 in Festenburg, Deutschland

Presentation by Daniel Zieinski held at TYPO3Camp
Venlo 2017. Now available for download. 

Converting Excel files and SDL MultiTerm termbases has never been easier, thanks to the free Glossary Converter app. Via simple drag and drop your…

What you have to look out for when translating Schema ST4 XML files. Settings files for download.

Learn more about how to create custom XML file types in SDL Trados Studio.

Slides of the presentation held at the tcworld conference 2016 in Stuttgart now available for download (in German).