The tekom annual conference is currently the largest international event for technical communication. The conference is accompanied by the tekom fair, the only trade fair for technical communications worldwide, as well as by the English-speaking tcworld conference. In addition to expert presentations by national and international speakers, participants have the opportunity to meet international companies and learn more about their software and services.
We did not miss this opportunity and informed ourselves about the latest developments in translation technologies and trends in the industry. In addition to Loctimize's internal staff, many external employees and partners visited tekom too. Like every year, we took the opportunity to have a dinner together, this time at the Wyndham hotel. A pleasant evening where everyone had the opportunity to talk about the translation and localization industry as well as personal topics.
Discover further impressions of this year's tekom annual conference in our

Loctimize GmbH
Sarah Rauber
Försterstraße 19
66111 Saarbrücken
Phone: +49 681 91038365
Fax: +49 681 91038367
Email: info(at)