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The implementation of complex software solutions is sometimes the first important step to achieve reproducible and efficient processes in technical writing and translation. But many software implementation projects fail, exceed their budget, do not run on schedule or do not produce the expected results. There are many reasons for this.

At some point, the management of multilingual communication is not manageable without software support. We need software to structure and manage content, to check the quality of the texts, to manage thousands of allowed and forbidden terms or to remind us of all translations of the past years. At some point, many companies decide to implement authoring tools, translation memory systems, project management systems or systems for quality assurance.

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About us

Loctimize is a market-leading expert for global language logistics. We support a wide range of international businesses and language service providers who appreciate the expertise and experience of an independent expert who has the courage to think outside the box. Our team develops customized solutions and supports you from development to implementation. Let language become your competitive advantage.

We are a modern service provider and your contact for any questions relating to language in the context of globalization, internationalization and localization. We support divisions like marketing, product management, development, documentation and language services - both strategically as well as in their daily business.

Loctimize GmbH
Daniel Zielinski
Försterstraße 19
66111 Saarbrücken

Phone: +49 681 91038365
Fax: +49 681 91038367
Email: zielinski(at)
